
Thursday, October 31, 2019
As we near the end of ADHD Awareness Month, we also approach the end of the year. Fall will soon transition to winter, and winter to spring, spring to summer. For many caregivers and kids, summer is a time they look forward to all year. No school, plenty of time with friends, and summer camps await. What about a child with ADHD? The reality is that summer can be a nightmare for kids with ADHD who aren’t receiving treatment. What is typically a positive time for most children can turn into a daunting experience.
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Friday, October 11, 2019
As we make our way through our second week of ADHD Awareness Month, it’s important to take a moment to consider why it is that we encourage people to spread information throughout this time. In last week’s blog post, we discussed the importance of reducing stigma and dispelling stereotypes, but those aren’t the only reasons to spread information.
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Friday, October 04, 2019
The entire month of October is dedicated to celebrating ADHD Awareness Month. Judge Baker Children's Center has been an impactful name in the ADHD community for years and we are proud to be a part of this month-long spotlight on a condition that impacts such a large percentage of our community. What is ADHD Awareness Month?
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Tuesday, October 01, 2019
The time of change is in the air as children go back to school, the leaves begin to change and fall and the last memories of summer begin to fade as we prepare for the year ahead. During this time of change, there can be additional stress in families’ lives. The pressures of school, hectic schedules, and managing family and extracurricular activities can be challenging. Every year, as our families grow and become older, we face new challenges.
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