Tuesday, August 30, 2022
This summer, we welcomed 57 children with ADHD and their families to the Camp Baker family. Our largest camp ever!
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Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Getting involved and making a difference doesn’t need to be difficult. Here are 5 easy ways you can start spreading mental health awareness in your community today.
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Wednesday, June 23, 2021
In our previous post, we discussed some alarming statistics that show LGBTQ+ youth consistently struggle with more mental health conditions in comparison to heterosexual or cisgender youth. While each experience is different, and some youth may experience different conditions than others, research has identified depression as one of the leading mental health conditions LGBTQ+ youth experience.
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Friday, June 11, 2021
As we end the second week of Pride Month, it’s important to acknowledge why we celebrate in the first place. While Pride’s origins are largely historical, the month is used as an opportunity to put a spotlight on the specific issues and challenges the LGBTQ+ community has overcome or continues to fight against.
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Sunday, May 09, 2021
Judge Baker Children's Center is proud to support Children's Mental Health Awareness Week. For those who may not know, a big part of the holiday is taking photos of yourself wearing green (the official color of children's mental health awareness) and sharing them to show your support.
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