Friday, March 21, 2025
Parenting can be stressful, regardless of your own relationship with mental health and anxiety. For caregivers that experience their own anxiety, managing anxious thoughts and behaviors can be an important factor to address considering that anxiety often has a genetic component. If a child’s caregiver experiences higher levels of anxiety, the child may be more likely to experience elevated levels of anxiety as well. Children also learn by modeling caregiver’s behaviors, so interactions between caregivers and their children are important in setting the groundwork for a healthy relationship with anxiety. If you are a caregiver that experiences your own anxiety, here are some tips for parenting through anxious moments.
Monday, March 17, 2025
If you have an anxious kid, you may be well aware of how anxiety functions in the day to day, why anxiety exists, and effective approaches to addressing anxiety. Having familiarity with this knowledge base can be a step towards feeling like a helpful support for your child
Thursday, March 06, 2025
The following is an interview with Dr. Terry Harrison-Goldman, the Director of Assessment Services at the Center for Effective Therapy (CET).
Friday, February 21, 2025
The world we live in can sometimes feel large, overwhelming, and ridden with danger for a caregiver trying to protect their child. The thought of managing the world we live and navigate in every day, and in addition, the online world that kids and teens have access to too, is a daunting task. Governments, technology institutions, and caregivers have a role in protecting youth from online harm in different ways. Knowing the ways that our systems, organizations, and ourselves can work to promote healthy relationships with the internet can ease some of the burden. In some ways, these roles can intertwine.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
In recent years, use of technology and the internet by kids and teens has grown exponentially. With this growth has come some incredible benefits and some risk that needs to be recognized and managed. Across the board, we have never had more access to a wider breadth of information than we do at this time. Google, ChatGPT, and social media open up our world in a way that is unprecedented, and that can absolutely be used for good. Even so, when working with or raising kids, it’s important to be mindful of the ways that the internet can be harmful so that we can be proactive in helping foster a healthy relationship with being online from a young age.