Position Title
Advanced Clinical Practicum in Evidence-Based Youth Psychotherapy
The practicum experience is between 16-24 hours (two to three days) per week and focuses primarily on the delivery of short-term psychotherapy to children and adolescents ages 2 to 22 as well as their families. Trainees can expect to gain experience with a wide range of psychopathology, with a focus on anxiety disorders, depression, and disruptive behavior disorders. Treatments center on cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety and depression as well as behavioral parent training techniques for disruptive behavior disorders.
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Position Title
Clinical Practicum in School-Based Mental Health and Special Education
The trainee will carry a caseload of up to 4 students enrolled in the Manville School by the end of the year. As clinicians and case managers for these students, the trainee will provide clinical support via individual therapy, group therapy, consultation and/or classroom push-ins depending on a students need and current presentation. Trainees will also support the delivery of a social-emotional learning curriculum that is based in evidence-based practices and incorporates topics related to identity and diversity. In addition, family contact is essential and often clinically indicated, and may include parent training and formal family therapy. In the role of case manager, trainees will coordinate the service planning and service delivery of a student’s interdisciplinary Manville team. The trainee also facilitates communication between Manville staff and any outside providers working with the child and family.
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Position Title
Doctoral Training Position at Intensive Clinical Program for Children & Families
Through collaborative partnership between the Baker Center and Home Base, a Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital Program, ICPCF provides intensive treatment to children of military families who have lost a loved one to suicide. ICPCF serves children of military families utilizing evidence-based treatments to address traumatic stress due to loss of a loved one to suicide, grief, and other associated symptoms and diagnoses.
The training experience is 40 hours five days per week, from August 12th, 2024, through August 30th, 2024, and focuses primarily on the delivery of intensive individual and group psychotherapy to children and adolescents ages 12-16 as well as psychoeducation, resiliency, and parent support groups for caregivers. Trainees can expect to gain experience with ICPCF. Treatments center on effective common element components to treat traumatic stress, grief, and loss. All trainees will receive training in military culture and ICPCF treatment components.
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